Architecture and Engineering Project Management Software

Project Management for Architects and Engineers

Establish contracts, monitor your time, invoice clients, and beyond! Architects and engineers appreciate PSOhub for its automation and predictive analysis features.


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"This all-in-one solution will save us thousands of dollars per year while we still have almost all functionalities we need"

Engineering Project Management Software
"With PSOhub, we bring our project administration to the cloud without having to adapt our entire internal processes. With this software, we are now able to manage our tasks flexibly, resulting in quicker insights, time registration, and invoicing. This combination is powerful and unique!"
Frank Burger

Partner Directeur a/d Amstel Architecten

Engineering Project Management Software

Avoid deviating from the project plan.

PSOhub facilitates predictive analysis and alerts you when projects are at risk of exceeding time or budget constraints. Utilizing a comprehensive work breakdown structure, you can segment a project into logical phases, each with a predefined budget.

Engineering project management software

Centralize project information

Using multiple solutions for managing tasks, contracts, invoices, time logs, emails, and other project information can significantly impede productivity. PSOhub, with its seamless CRM integration, establishes a single source of truth for your projects.

Engineering project Management software

Automate the invoicing of your contracts

Automate the sending of invoices and accelerate your payment process. PSOhub, equipped with smart contracts and integrated invoicing, transforms the entire process into a self-driving experience. Using different accounting software? No worries — we integrate with them as well.

Learn more on PSOhub's integrations >

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